Version 13 is out!
We're happy to announce that Version 13 is now available!
We're really excited about this update as we did a big Sleep overhaul. This version breaks down your sleep and gives you more details about what your sleep score is based on. Here's what's new in Version 13:
As with previous versions, when you press "STOP" at the end of the night, you will see a the summary of your sleep. Your Sleep Score is based on your sleep duration, sleep efficiency, and the percentage of time spent in REM, light, and deep sleep.
With Version 13, we have added a graph to give you a better visual representation of your sleep stages. In general, about 50% of your night should be spent in light sleep, with deep and REM taking up the rest of the night evenly. However this is individual and the proportion of time spent in deep and REM sleep changes with age, and is also influenced by stress and other factors. For example, if you are doing a lot of exercise, your body needs more deep sleep to recover properly.
The final feature we've added is a graph of your heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV) during the night. Both HR and HRV will fluctuate as you go through the various sleep stages, but in general you should have a lower resting HR and a higher HRV compared to when you're awake, as this is the time when your body is recovering and regenerating!
We're really excited about this update and we can't wait for you guys to check it out and let us know what you think!
To make sure you have this update installed, go to the 'About VIIVIO' page in your settings and you should see the version number at the bottom (v1.1.3). If you don’t have the most up-to-date version, you can update VIIVIO via the app store, or check out this link that will explain how to set your apps to automatically update.
Version 14 is going to be released within the next couple of weeks so stay tuned for more information on that!
Until then, keep using the app as much as possible, and as always, send us all of your questions, comments, and feedback to